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The rules, break them and be banished to the Dark Side

The codes of conduct are designed to manage the conduct on PvP play between all alliances on the UK server that have signed up.

Active codes of conduct

1. Attacks on burning castles* are not allowed unless an incoming attack has been launched from the castle in question. 2. No attacks on resource villages in ice, sand or fire. 3. No attacks on castles or resource islands in storm. 4. Cooldowns for individuals** are as follows:

Attacker wins - 7 days;

Attacker loses - 5 days;

Evacuations - 3 days;

Open gates - 3 days.

Any act of aggression beyond a single, direct retaliation, may result in the cooldown being removed.

5. 3 hits maximum per day from any alliance, or any individual player, on another alliance unless in direct retaliation. 6. No attacks from 20 clicks or less are permitted. 7. No hitting players more than 10 levels below your own prior to level 70, with the exception of direct retaliations 8. No hitting players below level 70 from players already at level 70, with the exception of direct retaliations 9. No tool cleaning/sweeping attacks to be launched on any player 10. No deliberate changing of defenses to sweep an attacker's tools contrary to the setup at attack launch (such as evacuating and putting a small handful of farmers on all three flanks if you were previously defending on a single flank) 11. No deliberate offline setups designed solely to remove the tools of an attacker at very low cost (e.g. 1-1-98 with tools only on the right flank) 12. Wars should be kept to single alliance vs single alliance fights where possible. 13. It is up to an alliance to decide how to respond to breaches of the codes of conduct. Diplomatic resolution will be the first course of action and further responses will be expected to be proportionate. Speak to management before anything gets out of hand.

14. Capturing of Outposts and Resource Villages from active players without proven permission is strictly forbidden, including in times of war.

15. No equipemt with " % chance of destroying enemy buildings " is to be used against any other genuine player. If you receive an attack from a player with this equipment, please report it to management. This does not include Foriegn Lords/Bloodcrows or NPC targets such as Barons, Sams and Nomads.

* A burning castle is defined as any castle currently with flames, and not clearly "leaving" them to avoid attack. Further, a castle under level 60 with 3 fires and a castle over level 60 with 5 fires is not considered burning, particularly if it can be proven that it has a level relevant number of troops in it.

** Multi-taps on a single player are considered to be multiple attacks, and therefore break the cooldown restrictions.

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